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Energising Teams

Coaching Individuals

because you and your team
can achieve extraordinary things

‘The Self-Coaching Workbook’ – Grab your copy today! – CLICK HERE – to get started and create your new life!

“Karen skilfully helped us have the difficult conversations that we had inadvertently been avoiding. I was worried that we wouldn’t achieve the challenging goals we had set for the day. In fact, we exceeded all our expectations and now feel that we are a much stronger team.”

Vice President of a North American Company

“At our medical education conference 98% respondents rated Karen’s keynote speech as Excellent”

Health Education East Midlands

“to my utter surprise I began to share my deepest fears related to my role as a new board member”

Medical Director, NHS Hospital Foundation Trust

Do you feel happy with your job, your career, your business, your life?

Does your team have enthusiasm, commitment, vitality and drive?

Are your meetings friendly, collaborative and productive?

Do you have abundant energy, drive and confidence to succeed?

Is your team clear on the organisation’s objectives and what is required of them?

Are your away-days inspiring, creative and results focused?

Are you clear on your goal and the step you need to take to achieve it?

Is your team productive, imaginative and high performing?

Do your events boost morale, promote learning?


You could get absolute clarity on what you want and how you will achieve it?

You could shift your team’s performance from being OK to being exceptional?

You could create meetings and events that inspire people to work together, learn and forge positive relationships?


Unstick your stuck!

  • define what you want in life,
  • discover what’s holding you back and
  • determine the steps to move you forward


You know, today, women make up about half our workforce, but they still make 77 cents for every dollar a man earns. That is wrong, and in 2014, it's an embarrassment. Women deserve equal pay for equal work.
Barack Obama, Jan 2014, State of the Union addre
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